GPT-Enabled Chatbots for Personalized Knowledge

Resolving Personalized Knowledge-Sharing Challenges
With GPT-Enabled Chatbots

Alleviate the role of human support teams as GPT-Enabled Chatbot Development will resolve all the personalized knowledge-sharing challenges. Do you want to know how? Keep reading:


Limited support channels

Since traditional support channels like phone or emails are limited in terms of availability, it is not possible to respond to all the customer’s queries at any hour of the day. Chatbots on the other hand are available to work consistently anytime and anywhere, as and when the user approaches.


High cost

Paying salaries to trained customer support agents is quite expensive. But now, when chatbots are enabled, businesses can do effective cost savings. Chatbots are programmed in a way to deliver high-quality, personalized knowledge with utmost accuracy and reliability.


Time-consuming process

To find and fetch the desired responses while gaining personalized knowledge on something is quite time-consuming. With chatbots, you can find the most relevant and specific answers to your queries. Also, chatbots are programmed to learn the customer intent so it is easy for them to deliver quick and effective responses.


Misleading information

Businesses often struggle to provide the right information as they largely depend on human support agents. And humans are prone to errors. On the contrary, when you use GPT-enabled chatbots, you can get reliable and authentic information in no time.

How DocoMatic, an AI-powered Chatbot Solution, Helps Get You Personalized Knowledge?


Easily accessible

With DocoMati, an ultimate next-generation AI-powered chatbot for your business docs, you are in not need to wait for long hours, waiting to get emails or calls, just to get information. Simply access DocoMatic’s chat assistant Chatpedia, around the clock, and keep a full stop on all your queries and concerns.

Cost-effective as no manpower is required

Since DocoMatic is enough to perform the task of multiple employees in the company, what’s the need of paying them? Focus effectively on DocoMatic and streamline your daily business operations by integrating it into your systems.

Instant multiple document insights

DocoMatic serves you with multiple document insights at a single time. It will go through all the relevant documents that match your query and will answer you in the most relevant and reliable way. This way you can accelerate your search and get instant answers to your queries.

Flexible answer style and tone

DocoMatic helps you get the relevant responses on the basis of your chosen answer style. You are leveraged with the option of choosing the response length, tone, and style.

Streamline Your Personalised Knowledge-Sharing
Operations with DocoMatic


DocoMatic enables you to organize your documents, access them when you require, and sync, or unsync the same to get relevant responses. Also, you can mark the vital documents in the “starred” category.

Quick and
easy upload

DocoMatic allows you to upload documents using different sources such as a device, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, Box, or document link. It also allows you to submit a single page URL, upload a complete sitemap, or provide an RSS feed to build a custom Chatpedia.

Labelize your docs
for easy access

Grouping makes the task easy and less complex. Create up to 3 sub-levels, based on different color options, and bifurcate your documents.

source verification

It is a fact that GPT-based chatbots are accurate. But how to ensure? There is a way. Use DocoMatic and know by yourself as it provides a source of each and every piece of information provided.

user management

Add multiple users and even assign custom rights based on their job roles and responsibilities.

multiple departments

Do you have multiple departments and projects in your organization? DocoMatic allows you to establish and manage multiple projects at one time. Not just this, it allows you to facilitate custom access, which means, flexibility to share the project with specified persons only.

Frequently Asked Questions

The education industry and companies are the live examples that have started embracing GPT-enabled chatbots in their daily operations.

In the education industry, chatbots are used to provide personalized learning experiences, offer instant help to students, and automate administrative tasks.
While in the case of corporate companies, chatbots are used for training employees, scheduling appointments, order tracking, etc.

By analyzing previous customer interactions, and going through the already uploaded customer data, GPT-enabled chatbots generate personalized responses. They can also use customer data to recommend relevant products or services and provide tailored support based on individual customer needs.

GPT-enabled chatbots are available for 24/7 help, handling complex customer queries, quicker response times, and more consistent and personalized responses. By automating basic queries and freeing up support agents to concentrate on more difficult tasks, they can also save costs.

Yes, GPT-enabled chatbots are open to multiple languages and they can answer user queries and questions without any language barriers.

Yes, chat assistants like Chatpedia are available to support customers around the clock. This will reduce wait times and smoothens the overall user experience, ultimately helping to build a long-lasting client relationship.